Name: Rita Benkő



        2002         biologist
        Year of PhD         2009
        University/Institution         Semmelweis Egyetem Elméleti Orvostudományok Doktor
        Title of the PhD dissertation The role of poly(ADPribose) polymerase1in the pathogenesis of chronic cardiovascular diseases
        English        C1
        French         B2
        2002         Students Scientific Congress 1st award
                            by: Semmelweis University
                            Achievement: Talk (oral presentation)
        2004         Semmelweis University Ph.D days congress
                            by: AGFA Hungária Inc.
                            Achievement: poster presentation
        2004         Young Award
                            by: Hungarian Cardiologists Society
                            Achievement: poster presentation
        2005         3rd place award on a flow cytometry congress organized by SoftFlow Inc.
                            by: SoftFlow Inc.
                            Achievement: poster presentation
        2005         FEBS grant for congress participation
                            by: Federation of the Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
                            Achievement: poster presentation
        2011         EASD grant for congress participation
                            by: European Association for the Study of Diabetes
                            Achievement: Poster presentation
        2015        Rector's praise
                            by Semmelweis University
Study trips stipends
        2003 (6 Month)         Inotek Pharmaceuticals Beverly, MA USA
                                            Research topic: A poli(ADPribóz) polimeráz aktivitásának és gátlásának hatása az öregedésre illetve a metabolikus szindrómára
        2004 (6 Month)         Inotek Pharmaceuticals Beverly, MA USA
                                            Research topic: A poli(ADPribóz) polimeráz aktivitásának és gátlásának hatása a metabolikus szindrómára
Role in scientific community
        2004         member of the Hungarian Cardiologists Society
        2006         member of the Hungarian Society of Biochemistry
        2010         member of the Hungarian Society of Physiology
        2011         member of EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes)
        2011         member of the Hungarian Diabetes association
2006.09. - 2007.10. Semmelweis University CellScreen Center of Applied Research
                                Position: Research Associate
2007.10. - 2013.02. Semmelweis University Institute of Human Physiology and Clinical Experimental Research
                                Position: Research Associate
2013.03. - 2015. 08. Semmelweis University Institute of Human Physiology and Clinical Experimental Research
                                Position: Assistant Lecturer
2015.09. - 2017.06. Semmelweis University Department of Physiology 
                                Position: Assistant Lecturer
2017.07. - . Semmelweis University Department of Physiology 
                                Position: Assistant Professor
Specialty Structural and functional biology